Can Doordash Customers See Your Pictures?

Can Doordash Customers See Your Pictures?

Perhaps you’re starting to feel insecure about your delivery job.

Maybe you’re new to the business and are wondering what people would say about the picture you took while signing up for the platform. We understand, and as a resort let’s take a look at this question in detail.

Can Doordash Customers See Your Pictures?

If you’re familiar with ordering from food delivery companies like Uber Eats, Grubhub, and Postmates, you all know they allow customers to see drivers’ pictures.

And bad enough, some of these companies doesn’t even allow Drivers to change their profile picture after sign up, unless under some strict conditions. A typical example of this is Uber Eats which requires drivers to have changed a lot physically, before being able to change their profile photo.

But is this a thing in Doordash? As a dasher, can customers see your profile picture?

Well, thankfully, no.

Customers on Doordash can’t see drivers’ profile pictures, and neither can any party on Doordash –the Restaurant, Doordash officials, and you. In fact, Doordash drivers don’t take profile pictures.

So, if you’re worried about having your profile picture (probably a bad one) show up to the public, you don’t have to, as it won’t.

This also explains the reason why you’d never find a section on the app that allows you to change or see your profile picture. While on the other hand, you can easily make other changes such as email address, phone number, driver’s license, and even name to your account information.

But, what happens with the picture taken, as a dasher, while signing up to the platform?

Well, the picture you take when signing up for the platform is different and only a process you need to go through before your account gets verified.

Here, Doordash would need to match the picture taken during this time with the ID you provided earlier, to make sure it’s you. Otherwise, you can’t be verified.

Other Things Doordash Customers See about a driver

As we explained before, customers on Doordash have no access to see what a driver looks like, or better still, a proper profile picture of the driver, before their orders get delivered. The same goes for the driver’s rating.

But there is certainly other information they can see, right? So what are they?

The Name

Obviously, this is the first thing customers see when a driver accepts their order.

However, thankfully, Doordash only shows the first name.

Previously, it used to be only the first name and the initial of the last name. Take, for instance, the name “Ebubechukwu I,” Ebubechukwu representing the first name, and “I” representing the last name.

However, in recent times, things have changed and we only see the first name.

It’s also worth mentioning that Doordash allows you (drivers) to change your name when you wish to. Here’s a Reddit on this.

Comment on changing your name on Doordash as a driver

That’s one reason you can come across weird names like this…

What customers can see on Doordash
What Customers see when Drivers accepts their orders

This may be useful when you have a unique name that can be easily tracked and found by some weird customers, who decide to go the extra mile.

Vehicle make

Funnily enough, Doordash also let the customer know the vehicle makes they drive. Basically, the idea behind this is to let merchants and customers easily identify a driver smoothly. This was a big thing (or maybe an advantage) during the pandemic.

However, in reality, this would only work when the customer or merchant is good at identifying car models.

Now, the whole “seeing vehicle make” thing is not common, and depends on whether the driver chooses to add that information, provided in the snapshot below.

seeing vehicle make on doordash

Update: From recent information we have, Doordash no longer shows customers their driver’s vehicle information.

Your Location

We’ve always had questions like this…

Question on whether customers can see drivers location

Well, the moment you, as a driver, accept an order, Doordash starts tracking you, thanks to its GPS feature. This data would also be available to the customer if they decide to keep an eye on the order.

And even if they don’t, as long as a customer notification is turned on, Doordash would usually always send notifications at major milestones of the delivery. This includes when the dasher is:

  1. At the restaurant
  2. On the way to the customer
  3. One mile away from your location.


While Customers seeing Drivers’ profiles is a thing on Uber Eats and a list of other delivery companies, it’s not, in Doordash. Customers can’t see drivers’ pictures. However, they still have access to other information such as your name, location, etc.

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