How to Redeem DoorDash Gift Card without PIN (Solved)

How to Redeem DoorDash Gift Card without PIN (Solved)

Over the years, gift cards have transitioned from the initial concept of being an “only gifted payment method” to a fully-fledged payment method people use randomly.

Thankfully, companies like DoorDash all accept them.

But what if it were possible to use a gift card without the pin?

Whether you’re just curious or you’re in dear need of using a gift card you opened the label incorrectly, this article will help you inform you about the possibility as well as the steps to take.

Our 3 Approach on How to Redeem DoorDash Gift Card without PIN

Basically, you can’t redeem a DoorDash gift card without putting the PIN which needs to be scratched. There’s no option, feature, or most importantly, a QR scan on the gift card that gives this flexibility.

Even If a partnered store could add a QR scan to a gift card they issue (which would make it seamlessly possible), it’d still not be applicable as DoorDash doesn’t feature this ability. So, it’s likely going to be for something else, if that ever happens.

Now, is there any possibility to redeem a DoorDash gift card when you don’t have the pin? Perhaps you scratched off the card, or did anything that made you lose the pin while you have the card with you?

Well, it’s possible, but before we get into the steps on how to approach this, there are a few conditions that you need to satisfy:

  1. The card must be owned and be in your possession
  2. There must be a good reason why you can’t redeem the card with the pin
  3. You have proof to prove your claim

Enough chatters, let’s get into our 3 approaches to redeeming a DoorDash gift card without using the PIN.

1. Go to the store

Not something most people want to hear but this is basically the right way to go when you have an issue with your card.

You see, when a gift card fails to work, the store that issued it would be at a graceful profit.

This is because they sold the card to you and made their normal profit, but since you’ve not yet used the card, they’ve also not been debited for that.

Hence, they might be willing to resolve if they could tell you’ve not used the card and have permanently lost the ability to (for future purposes).

So what are the steps to take?

Don’t call them.

Okay, that’s a bit aggressive, but calling them would likely not help matters. They’re likely to tell you they can’t do anything or refer you to DoorDash over the phone but would be much more responsive when you meet them physically and talk to them.

So unless you were gifted the card, calling the store behind the card is not the best approach,

Now while you talk to someone physically, the goal is to prove that you’ve not used the card and the money is still in the card.

This can be done by showing them the defective card (if defective), why you can’t use it, and proof to show that you’ve not used it.

Not all employees in the store would have information or access to help you with this and that’s fine. Hence, it’s best to try locating the manager of the location if present.

But if not, you can follow the next method we share below.

2. Contact DoorDash

Now calling the store is not always the best step to take.

If for instance, the reason you can’t access the pin of the gift card is because you scratched some part off the card but can still have a portion of the pin, DoorDash may be able to help better.

You see while gift cards are being sold by stores, their unique identification, codes, and pins are also known to DoorDash.

Depending on the representative you contact, they could have access to search for your card with the information they get from you.

Now, there are several ways to contact DoorDash for a situation like this.

Our current best, however, would be to troll them on X (formerly Twitter). This works like magic.

Here’s what I mean…

using multiple channel to request refund – Doordash refund tricks
An example of what trolling a company on Twitter looks like

Craft a good note. Tag them. Provide Proof.

You should get a reply from a DoorDash representative in a few hours’ time (if not less).

Here’s someone who did the same when having an issue with their card:

Someone who redeemed doordash gift cards without pin

If you have a part of the gift card pin, it could also be helpful.

In this case, you should let the customer team or representative you’re talking with, know that some parts of the card are available. This may enable them to find the card in their system faster.

Aside from contacting them on X (formerly Twitter), you could choose to contact them the traditional way — their support phone number, live chat feature on the app, etc.

But so far, X is the most recommended.

3. Make a BBB Complaint

If the worth of the gift card is worth your time, filing a BBB complaint is a recommended approach to take if the other methods don’t work out.

Here’s our guide to filing a BBB complaint for this issue:

  1. Visit the BBB Website: Head over to the Better Business Bureau’s website and use the search function to find the DoorDash profile. Ensure you select the appropriate branch or headquarters, depending on your issue.
  2. Start the Complaint Process: Once on DoorDash’s BBB profile, click on the “File a Complaint” button. This will take you to a form where you can provide details about your experience.
  3. Provide Information: You’ll be prompted to fill in various details such as your contact information, the nature of the complaint, and any supporting documents you might have (like snapshots of the card and why you couldn’t use it).
  4. Be Specific: Clearly articulate the issue about why you can’t access your gift card pin. Be detailed about any steps you took to resolve the problem and what outcome you’re seeking—such as a refund or credit.
  5. Submit the Complaint: Once you’ve filled out the necessary information, go ahead and submit your complaint. The BBB will review it and forward it to DoorDash for their response.

Final Thoughts

Not being able to use your gift card PIN, can be a pain in the ass, especially when you got the card as a gift card hoping to use it fill your stomach.

We understand, and that’s why we created this guide.

Hope you find this helpful!

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