How to tip on Doordash after Delivery

How to tip on Doordash after Delivery

There are a number of reasons why you may want to tip a dasher after a delivery –maybe they followed all instructions given, they were quick to deliver, you didn’t tip well before the delivery or you’re just in a good mood.

How do you achieve this? Or is it even possible?

Well, it is and this article would show you how.

How to tip on Doordash after Delivery

On Doordash, there are several ways to Tip, thanks to the company’s flexibility in this area.

You can tip before, during, and after a delivery. No doubt; tipping before delivery is easy, but what happens when you want to tip after a delivery?

Let’s discuss this

Use the Mobile App

Using the Doordash mobile app, you can always add a tip after service by navigating to your past orders in your account and clicking on the “add tip.”

In detail, here’s how to do it:

  1. Head to the Doordash app
  2. Access your account history by tapping on the “Account” tab or the profile icon located at the bottom right corner of the screen
  3. Find the Order and tap on it
  4. Click on the “Add tip” shown in the order, in a row with the drivers name, and add the amount needed to tip

This is how it should look like:

How to tip on Doordash after Delivery
Source: Doordash

Editors note: It’s recommended you do this in Doordash’s mobile app rather than the web browser since it’s the default. This doesn’t stop it from working on browsers, but browsers are sometimes limited.

Also, it’s worth mentioning that after every delivery, customers are prompted a notification that’d ask them if they’d like tipping after a delivery, thanks to a recent feature.

But this is limited to only mobile devices, since our last check.

Hence, you may not find this, if you use a PC to make the order.

Tip in cash

Yeah, the old way –cash tips– still works, at least on Doordash.

In fact, most drivers would prefer being tipped in cash.

For one reason, it makes a quick pocket money, as they get it instantly, other than having to wait for payday (approximately 7-day wait).

Also, with a cash tip, they don’t have to pay tax for the tip, as it’d be typically regarded as an under-the-table job (the tip in this case).

Now, how do you tip in cash?

All you have to do is to hand the cash over to the driver and you’re done.

You could also let them know they’d be getting a tip in cash if you like to.

This can be done by keeping a note, “cash tips,” in the instruction.

However, this shouldn’t be an alternative to tipping before delivery, as it may come with consequences.

Editors note: if you don’t find tipping in cash good, you can always revert to tipping normally through the app. Both ways work, fortunately.

Understanding How tipping works on Doordash

Arguably, Tipping is the most transparent feature on Doordash.

You can’t compare it to calculating a driver’s base pay (the amount drivers earn per delivery), or even the fee restaurants pay for using Doordash, as all these don’t have a fixed percentage or amount.

However, for Tipping, drivers take 100% of the amount customers tip, which is definitive.

Also, while people claim that Doordash plays fraud in tipping –it reduces base pay when the tip is high– the likelihood of this happening is poor, at least for now.

The CEO of Doordash on the topic of the tipping

Actually, this happened in 2019 –they were accused of reducing drivers’ base pay when tipping is good, and keeping it normal when the tip is average or absent. But this got them a lawsuit for $2.5 million.

Doordash had to launch a new policy and made it live after this.

With this, Drivers’ base pay is 100% guaranteed.

Talking more about How tipping works on Doordash…

The company allows customers to tip in basically 3 ways.

  1. Before a delivery (default)
  2. During the delivery
  3. After the delivery (what we just discussed)

Doing this is fairly easy, as all you have to do is to navigate to the order section>specific order and tap on the “add tip” which you always find open.

Lastly, it’s worth mentioning that you can’t adjust your tip after it has been added.

While some platforms like Ubereats and Grubhub easily allow you, you’ll need to make a complaint to Doordash customer care alongside a strong reason to get a tip adjusted or removed – happens once in a blue moon.

This is done to avoid tip baiting – a practice common in Ubereats where customers would tip high at first, to get their order accepted, and reduce it later on after the delivery is being made.

Editors note: You can still increase a tip after delivery by tipping twice. Fortunately, Doordash lets you do this.

Final thoughts

There are two ways to approach tipping after on Doordash –using the company’s mobile app and tipping in cash– which all come with their pros and cons. But again, it’s worth mentioning that you can’t adjust a tip after it’s made.

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